Booster Fins



The first step after cutting the fins was to make the ribs needed to give the fins their profile.  In order to cut these ribs, we made a sliding jig.
Raw material (3/16 plywood X 1" thick) was placed in the jig.  Sliding the jig against the stop produced the angled cut needed.
6 ribs cut an ready for attachment on the fins.
Here's a shot of the fins with leading and trailing edges tapered.  Before the ribs can be applied, the slots for centering rings must be cut.  To do this I used a router and the Centering Ring alignment guide.  This guide will ensure that all fin slot are cut identically.
Here's the three booster fins and the ribs ready to go.  Next step was to epoxy one side down and weight it.
With the ribs attached to both sides it was now time to ct the foam to a rough shape.  The final shape will be done after the foam is glued to the fin.
Took a few extra hands, but so far so good.


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Last updated: 02/11/09.