Motor Mount 


The first step in construction of the motor mount started with the recovery system hard points. Using a cad program I was able to make a layout template for the holes
By laying the template directly onto the rings, I then drilled both rings with the eight needed holes.
Once the holes were drilled I used a router and table to cut a lip around the edge of the centering rings. This lip will seat the coupler's edge.
Next came the attachment of the "U-bolts". There would be two attachment points for the sustainer recovery system. Note the large fender washers used to distribute the load. 
The two centering rings were pulled together with some 1/4" all thread.
Nuts and washers complete the assembly.
The placement of the centering rings was critical. Again a CAD system was used to ensure the correct placement of each ring.
Here are the rings shown positioned on the 98mm motor tube. This tube is 41" long, giving me the capability of loading a N2000 motor in the future.
Here is the dry assemble of the motor mount laying next to the case for the M1939 motor. alongside of that is the main airframe tube. This tube will run the entire length of the sustainer section. It is designed to be the main strength tube and will be covered in 2 layers of 10oz fiberglass. An 11.41" body tube will be on the outside of that.
Here is the completed motor mount assembly.  It's bigger than I thought. Looking at the aft end, you can see the main 98 mm central motor, up to an N2000. Surrounding that are the four 38 mm tubes for the outboards, up to J570s. The other surrounding smaller holes are the guide tubes for the interstage coupler. Four 1.25" wooden dowels will slide up from the booster stage into the sustainer.

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