Rocket Screen Saver from Klinger Photography
K linger
Photography is pleased to announce the upcoming release of the Rocket
Screen Saver. This Windows based screen saver features 140 high quality
collage images created from 400 of the best pictures from LDRS 21 and the
April 2002, Three Oaks, Michigan high power rocket launch.
The CD contains 4 screen savers, each optimized for a different screen
resolution: 1600x1200, 1280x960, 1024x768, and 800x600. The screen saver
has fully customizable settings including timing and selection of up to 23
screen transitions.
The price is $14.95 + $3 S&H and is available from
Klinger Photography is also pleased to announce the launch of their new
web site:
This site, among other things, contains over 1500 LDRS 21 rocket pictures
and reduced pricing for ordering prints and merchandise.