Launch Report |
 | Altitude: 18,024' |
 | Velocity: 1136 f/s |
 | Burn time: 6.1 seconds |
 | Motor equivalent: Q21,685 |
 | Time to apogee: 32.5 seconds |
 | The rocket lifted off the pad pulling about 7 gees, as it entered the
Mach transition region the trailing fin tips started to flutter and two of
them sheared/shredded off, the rocket then seem to gain in velocity
punching through Mach. |
 | At apogee the primary charge (25 grams) did not fire, the backup
altimeter fired 2 seconds later (35 grams) and blew out all the chutes.
The delayed deployment cracked the upper part of the airframe. |
 | Total damage: Lost 30% of two fins, cracked the upper payload
section. Nose cone came through unharmed. |
Jeff Stai Pictures |
Video |
 | Van Norman Audio Visual setup multiple cameras and was
responsible for capturing vast amounts of video Veni Van Norman operated
the hand held camera
Video from camera position
CAM2A positioned about 350 feet away
Video from camera position
CAM1 positioned about
250 feet away
Video from camera position
BLASTCAM positioned about 150 feet away
 | My pictures from the entire launch |
 | Rick Clapp captured a great shot of the Black Brant at
liftoff |
Other Sites |
 | David Sparks was the first to post this
video |
 | Dave Moore who camped right next to the BBII posted
these photos to his
site. |
 | Jeff Taylor decided to make his Black Brant liftoff shot the front
page news item for his site. |