Project Members
After flying the his Nike
Hercules at LDRS 20 & 21, Wedge Oldham has set his sights on a new project. The Black Brant Project will be the largest airframe designed and built by Wedge. The size and power of this project should present several unique design challenges.
Project Area: Airframe Construction and Project Manager
Email: Wedge@BlackBrant2.com
Website: www.WedgeOldham.com
Darren Wright of Ozark Propulsion
Labs, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ozark Aerospace, has the slogan "We
deliver performance under pressure". Darren has a wide range of
propellant types and motors combinations. Taking Darren's latest motor success, a 54,000
Newton-Second "P"
motor, and installing three of them
into this project should make for quite a spectacular flight.
Project Area: Propellant Manufacture & Design
Email: Darren@BlackBrant2.com
Website: Ozark Propulsion Labs
Jeff Taylor of Loki Research has a line of rocket motor
hardware that spans the popular HPR sizes from 38 mm to 98 mm and also
introduces two larger sizes, 114 mm and 152 mm. All motors are
precision machined from 6061 aluminum and have reusable graphite
Project Area: Engine Case Manufacture & Design
Email: Jeff@BlackBrant2.com
Website: Loki Research
Project Contributors
Melinda is Wedge Oldham's girlfriend. Melinda has been
instrumental in getting this project started, and keeping it going.
Without her behind the scenes efforts and unwavering support it is doubtful
that this project would ever be completed.
Neil's contribution has been in the area of airframe materials. His
knowledge of fiberglass pipe and suppliers have lead to significant design decisions
and supplier selection.
Oliver has been a great help in the area of stress analysis. His
contributions have figured greatly in insuring the overall safety of this
project. Oliver supplied the initial stress calculation used in the project
and also reviewed the initial calculations discovering a significant
Victor Lock is a general construction guru, and personal
friend of Wedge Oldham. Victor will be helping with the actual
construction and will be part of the launch crew heading to Black Rock.
Victor will also be construction the vehicle support stands and pad transport
Joe Zamiska will be responsible for painting and overall
finish of the Black Brant.
Doug Lay is a welding expert, and has offered to build the
launch tower rocket support. This support will bear entire the weight of the
rocket on the launch tower.