Stress Analysis

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Stress Analysis

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THE BLACK BRANT PROJECT on the verge of insanity

Airframe Stress Analysis

Below is some documentation to try and determine the exact strength needs of the airframe. This page is based upon some guesses about thickness' and weights. It will be updated during the construction phase when we get some real numbers to plug in. A special thanks to Oliver Arend who found an error in the first go-round of calculations.

Stress Overview


The airframe will have to withstand the compressive loading due to drag and acceleration.


It will also have to withstand the bending stresses as the rocket corrects it's flight path.

Compressive Strength

bulletCompressive strength will be the strength needed to withstand not only the drag on the rocket, but also the acceleration of the airframe.
bulletFor these calculations it was assumed the that fins would be secured to the internal structure and would not be added to the overall compressive forces.

Figure 1



Figure 2


bulletThe plot in figure 1 shows a graph of the total drag on the airframe.
bulletFrom this graph we see that the maximum drag on the airframe occurs at approx. 3.75 seconds into the flight.
bulletMaximum drag appears to be about 13,500 Newtons (3,033 pounds).
bulletUsing Rocksim it is determined that "Fin Drag" represents 45% of the total drag.
bulletTherefore a force of 7425 Newtons (1,668 pounds) must be acting on the the nose cone, and body tube.
bulletThis value will be used as the maximum compressive force on the airframe due to drag. This value is in error as the forces are not distributed evenly along the airframe but will give us a good worst-case figure. Stress at any point in the airframe will be less than this value.
bulletA flat thrust curve is assumed for the three "P" motors giving us a force of 27,000 Newtons (6,067 pounds)

Acceleration Component

bulletThe acceleration component represent the additional compressive loading on the airframe due to acceleration . 
bulletFrom the graphs on the right, about 9.8 Gees will be the maximum acceleration.
bulletThe  G-force will be acting on all masses supported by the airframe.
bulletFrom Rocksim we get the initial (empty) mass of the rocket to be 369 pounds.
bulletFrom this we subtract the engine mount and the fins leaving us with 261 pounds of nose cone, airframe, and internally supported structures.
bulletBy multiplying 9.8 Gees times the mass of 310 pounds we get and additional compressive loading of 2557 pounds.
bulletAgain this is a worst-case value as the stress at any one point along the airframe will depend upon it's location.

Compressive loading total

bulletDrag accounts for 1,668 pounds.
bulletThrust gives us and additional 6,067 pounds on the airframe.
bulletWith acceleration placing an additional 4,650 pounds of force on the airframe.
bulletThe total combined forces equals 12,385 pounds.
bulletUsing a design safety factor of 1.5 the airframe must be designed to withstand 18,577 pounds of compressive force.
bulletWow, that's a lot of force.


The calculations to the right show the safety factor for each  strength value (Design, Yield, and Ultimate) of the airframe material. 

Individual Component Stress

bulletCentering Rings:
bulletMuch more work is needed in this area, but initial results look very promising.

Bending Strength

bulletSee this page for calculations on airframe bending stress.




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This page looks best when viewed on my computer and was last updated on 01/24/09
THE BLACK BRANT PROJECT on the verge of insanity